Children's Ministries

At River Hills United Methodist Church, we believe in supporting children and families in their spiritual, physical, and emotional growth and development.

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Email Seth Horstman if you'd like to sign up for the Weekly Family Ministries Update email containing the most up-to-date information about what's going on in Children's Ministry.

Sunday Mornings

  • Children of all ages are always welcome in worship services! We don't expect them to sit quietly the whole time; we want all to know they are welcomed and loved! There are worship bags and books available for all children and teens, and our "prayground" is in the back of the sanctuary with a small table of blocks and toys.
  • Nursery Care: The nursery is available upon request for infants through age 3; email Seth if you’ll need it covered on a certain Sunday. Otherwise, the room is available for families to use for a little break. Follow the signs to the left of the sanctuary.
  • Children's Church: Instead of Sunday School, we have Children’s Church during worship, September through May. Children age 4 through 5th grade can follow the teacher out after the children’s message to attend Children’s Church downstairs in room 110. They are brought back up at the end of worship.

JAM (Jesus and Me) Club

JAM Club is for age 4 through 5th grade. JAM Club meets Wednesday evenings during the school year, starting at 6:15pm in the Fellowship Hall for Midweek Reset music and then moving to room 110, 6:30-7:15pm, for some midweek fun! Also remember that RHUMCafé starts at 5:30pm, providing dinner every Wednesday (suggested $5 donation)!

Bible Milestone

Every year, 3rd graders are presented with their own Bibles in worship. This event gives 3rd graders and their parents an opportunity to learn more about their new Bible and explore it for themselves.

River Hills Early Childhood Center

River Hills ECC offers daily year-round childcare for ages 6-weeks through Pre-K plus summer care for school-age children. Learn more at

Seth Horstman
Seth Horstman
Director of Family Ministries
Erica Triebenbach
Erica Triebenbach
Children's Ministry Associate