
Building Christian relationships strengthens our faith and supports us in our faith journey. Fellowship is a time for connecting and getting to know one another outside of Sunday morning worship.

Adult Education

You are welcome to participate in any fellowship group that fits your interests. Everything is open to new participants any time.

Connect & Learn: Sunday Morning Fellowship

Meet with us Sunday mornings at 11:00am to chat with friends old and new. This time is set aside for relationship-building, fostering ministry ideas, and growing in faith together. Some weeks have an optional structured activity, but every week offers space for getting to know each other. The second Sunday of every month is Donut Sunday.

Want people to go to lunch with? Knit with? Talk about life with? If you have an idea for a group or activity you'd like to lead, talk to Pastor Allison. Let's make it happen!

Felting Classes

Melissa Miller, Director of Ministry Support, teaches a variety of felting classes throughout the year. Learn a new craft and build relationships. Watch the announcements for the latest opportunities or email Melissa.

Women of Worth (W.O.W.)

The mission of Women of Worth is to provide a non-judgmental Christian community for women to support one another, develop meaningful relationships, and serve our neighbors. All women are invited to participate in any of the activities, which often include a Christmas party, winter retreat, craft day, volunteer at Lewis House, and Bible Study.

Men’s Breakfast Group

Provides the opportunity for men of the church to fellowship and socialize during breakfast. All men are welcome! This group meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:00am at J's Restaurant in Burnsville.

Book Club

Find more information on the Adult Education page.

Common Good

River Hills UMC is a participant in Common Good, an interfaith group that works to increase understanding and positive relationships between people of multiple faiths in this area. Watch the announcements for how to get involved.

Social Media

Follow our Youtube or Facebook to view all of our livestreamed services. You can also join our Friends of RHUMC Facebook Page, which is regularly updated with details and announcements. Families can join our Facebook Group for Youth Parents, or follow our Youth Instagram Page!

Rev. Allison Warren
Rev. Allison Warren
Minister of Outreach & Education